Why Steam?
🌼 Reduce Discomfort, Bloating and Cramps During Menstrual Cycle
🌼 Regulate Absent or Irregular Cycles
🌼 Preventative Care
🌼 Improve Fertility and Prepare For Conception
🌼 Fertility Cleanse
🌼 Enhance Vital Blood Flow
🌼 Speed Healing and Tone The Reproductive System After Birth
🌼 Ease Anxiety, Strengthen Confidence
🌼 Miscarriage Recovery
🌼 Reduce Uterine Fibroids and Cysts
🌼 Relieve Chronic Bacterial & Yeast Infections
🌼 Maintain Healthy Odor
🌼 Ease Symptoms of Menopause
🌼 Meditation
🌼 Sitz Bath Soak for Hemorrhoids
🌼 Sitz Bath Soak for Postpartum Healing
When To Steam?
As part of an overall self-care regime, we recommend that women steam two to three times per month, always during weeks in which you are not menstruating.